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Why Group Therapy?

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Evoke psychotherapeutic retreats provide a rare opportunity to understand yourself in the context of a group, facilitated by qualified psychotherapists. Feeling heard and seen and giving voice to your experience in the presence of others, in a safe space, can be an insightful and enriching experience.


From the moment we are born we are dependent on a wider group of people for our very survival.  This may take the form of a family system or an alternative care structure but regardless of the system, the need to belong is part of human nature.  We are social beings born into a group. As we move through life we find ourselves existing in a multitude of groups, eg. school, work, family and friends. At times we need to navigate a complex dynamic of balancing the desire to be independent with the need for belonging.  Our desire to belong can lead us to adapt and shape ourselves to ensure a relationship with others, thereby abandoning our authentic selves.


A psychotherapeutic group creates a safe and confidential space where you have the opportunity to explore your ways of relating and recognise your patterns of behaviour within a group setting. The group provides an opportunity to experiment with different ways of being, in a safe environment, facilitated by qualified psychotherapists.  The insight gained through this process can set the stage for letting go of ways of relating that no longer serve you.

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