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Our Approach 

Our therapeutic approach at Evoke is underpinned by a combination of psychological models and principles. Developed with relational dynamics at the core, we draw on theories and interventions from psychodynamic, humanistic, and cognitive behavioural models to enhance a deeper understanding of relationships on both an interpersonal and intrapersonal level. 

Evoke psychotherapeutic retreats enable you to explore the importance of your early relationships and how these have shaped the way you view yourself, how they have informed your ways of relating to others and your understanding of social bonds. Being a member of a facilitated group can illuminate these patterns as they emerge. 

Our approach is aligned with the existential perspective that emphasises individual existence, freedom, responsibility and choice with a view that human beings define their own meaning and purpose in life.

We recognise and welcome the subjective lived experience of every attendee and encourage you to work at understanding your own inherent potential and authenticity. 

Authenticity is the degree to which a person's actions are in line with their values and desires, despite external pressures – also known as congruence. Evoke psychotherapeutic retreats aim to give you the space and environment to be who you really are. 

As you deepen your self-awareness, we create space for you to challenge what no longer serves you and to question what choices you may wish to make for your future.


"The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives"
Esther Perel

Evoke Psychotherapies Ltd | Reg in England & Wales No. 15523527 | All Rights Reserved

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